End-to-end encryption keeps creators’ original content and information secure
You’ve heard about end-to-end encryption and you know it’s safe, but do you know why it’s necessary?
Everything is online now, and once something is online it doesn’t go away. The paper trail is now a trail of ones and zeros, but it’s a trail nonetheless. The beauty of being an online creator is that you never have to meet up with a client in person (probably shouldn’t anyway), and this keeps you physically safe for the most part.
How End-to-End Encryption Works
The problem occurs because everything is online now, like your identity, your content, and other private information — yourself. End-to-end encryption makes it so only the people you decide have your messages receive that data. The information sent through the cloud is alphabet soup, so even if a third party could intervene (your messaging platform, for example), they wouldn’t have the key to decode the information.
Why End-to-End Encryption Matters for Creators
In legal cases, platforms can be subpoenaed to share such data with the authorities. Those platforms could sell your information, for that matter, depending on the user and privacy statements you agree to when creating an account.
The reason why this matters is because platforms designed for creators could store a lot of secure information — your address, your contact information, your bank account, etc., but that also means your content could be up for grabs. If subpoenaed, that information is readable. If there’s even the smallest weak point in security, any website could be susceptible to a data breach. That information or content could be stolen and used however the bad actors want.
So, why end-to-end encryption? It’s one of the only ways to guarantee your content is safe. It goes only to the intended recipients and no one who pops up in between that transfer — even the messaging platform itself — could use the ones and zeros they intercept. Yawana offers end-to-end encryption because your safety comes first.
The only person who should be making money off of you is you. Keep your content safe by using platforms that use end-to-end encryption.
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